Elsa’s Writing Game



Elsa’s Writing Game


By Elsa and Emily

(Note from Emily: Elsa and I played this “Silent Writing Game” more last fall, but it was fun to do it again today. In the game, you talk with one another through writing, usually for a period of 15 minutes or so. You are not allowed to talk, although often we have a hard time following this rule strictly! Elsa surprised me this time by switching to Spanish in mid-game. And then instead of switching back to English, she used drawings to answer my question. I have tried to provide a few extra pictures of some of the things we were writing about. )

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This is the pentagonol prism that we made:  we left one of the sides open because Elsa wanted it to be a little house for a little creature as well:

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“Que compraste en la tienda de tu escuela esta mañana?”  Means, “What did you buy at the store at your school this morning?”

Elsa had bought a little tiny paint set with two cards to paint.  She went right to work painting them when she got home, and then was inspired to make her own!  She is now asking if she can get her own youtube account when she is 10 so that she can teach others how to paint too!

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And last, a picture of our “Mo”:

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