Elsa’s Strange Sentences


Elsa’s Strange Sentences

By Emily and Elsa


Homeschooling the girls this past year in Camoapa has been interesting and challenging! Especially since they have been in regular school here, which limits our time for additional homeschooling on the side.   One of our agreements early one was that they would practice their writing skills and creativity by contributing to our blog, more or less, on a weekly basis. Lately, this has been more of a challenge for Elsa, so I have been looking for more interesting ways to get her engaged. A very helpful book that we brought along with us is called Games for Writing, by Peggy Kaye.   One game that we recently enjoyed is called “Strange Sentences”. The idea is to use the appeal of nonsense and silliness to engage the child into learning about sentence structure. It also spurs the imagination!!

In order to play, you need one playing die, and a Strange Sentences chart, like this one. We created our own Strange Sentences chart from real life events that have happened here in Camoapa. Each sentence in the chart is broken down in to the subject, action, where, where, and the final punctuation mark. The object is to make new sentences by rolling the die each time to choose the subject, the action, the where, when and punctuation. The result is a “strange sentence” that makes little or no sense and can result in many giggles and fun!

See the results of our game below. We played twice and came up with a few strange sentences each time. We hope this gives you a taste of our daily life during the past few weeks, but also of some of the fun we have been having!

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